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时间:2023-10-18 点击数:



2012.09-2016.06  山西农业大学,生态学,理学学士

2016.09-2023.09  西北农林科技大学,生态学,理学博士

2019.07-2019.09  香港中文大学,访学交流

2023.11-至今  河南科技学院,生命科学学院教授(内聘)


1.Zhang, N. N.,Zou, H., Lin, X. Y., Pan,Q., Zhang, W. Q., Zhang, J. H., Wei, G. H., Shangguan, Z. P., & Chen, J.(2020).Hydrogen sulfide and rhizobiasynergistically regulate nitrogen (N) assimilation and remobilization during N deficiency-induced senescence in soybean.Plant, Cell & Environment,43(5),1130-1147.

2.Zhang, N. N., Suo, B. Y., Yao, L.L., Ding, Y. X., Zhang, J. H., Wei, G. H., Shangguan,Z. P.,& Chen, J.(2023).H2S works synergistically with rhizobia to modifyphotosynthetic carbon assimilation and metabolism in nitrogen-deficient soybeans.Plant, Cell & Environment,46(8), 2523-2541.

3.Zhang, N. N., Wang, L.,Chen, J.,& Shangguan, Z. P. (2023). H2S crosstalk in rhizobia modulates essential nutrient allocation and transport in soybean.Agronomy,13(5),1332.

4. Lin, X. Y.#,Zhang, N. N.#, Yao, B.H., Zhang, X., Liu, W. Y., Zhang, W. Q., Zhang, J. H., Wei, G. H., & Chen,J. (2022).Interactions between hydrogen sulphide andrhizobia modulate the physiological and metabolism process during water deficiency-induced oxidative defense in soybean.Plant, Cell& Environment,45(11), 3249-3274.

5. Zou, H.#,Zhang, N. N.#, Lin, X. Y.,Zhang, W. Q., & Wei, G. H. (2020).Hydrogen sulfide is acrucial element of the antioxidant defense system inGlycine max-Sinorhizobiumfredii symbiotic root nodules.Plant and Soil,449(1),209-231.

6.张妮娜,上官周平, &陈娟. (2018).植物应答缺铁胁迫的分子生理机制及其调控.植物营养与肥料学报,24(5),1365-1377.


Email: zhaangnina@126.com



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